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Learning About Shamanic Healing Charlottesville

By Jeannie Chapman

To understand shamanic healing Charlottesville you must first explore the Four Winds Society that has it's base in the Peruvian Andes. The healers from this area are called Laika and they teach the theory of each person being the possessor of ancient powers of light and energy that can be used to heal one's self from inside. In an enlightened state of mind and body you are said to be able to see the light from nature.

This method works with the light energy field that envelopes your body. The idea is to deactivate and ultimately dissolve the harmful imprints that you carry. There are numerous ancient techniques that must be used to accomplish this goal.

The Bible teaches Western civilization that man was removed from the garden by their God. This prevents them from seeing the lights of the garden that are still visible to the people who are not taught these myths. Their ancient culture allows them to continue to reside in the light of Mother Nature and be in harmony with nature.

The negative thoughts and behaviors of people are called shadows. The shaman's goal is to remove these shadows from your life and allow you to move away from the trap of the triangle of dis-empowerment. Many people are destined to travel this triangle, switching roles from victim to perpetrator or rescuer over and over. This behavior sequence is also pointed out in twelve step programs and has been adopted by many counselors across the world.

After you have moved away from your destructive triangle you are ready to begin your journey to re-enter the garden of light. Here you will be one with nature and will be able to easily accept the life coaching allowing you to access resources that will help you solve issues in your life. With mentoring and life coaching you will soon acquire the tools you will need for your life.

Many cultures honor the chakra as the center of your body's power. It is a wheel of energy that moves clockwise through the front of the body and connects at the spine. There are major and minor powers in the chakra. Some cultures show it with four or seven power points but in the Peruvian belief there are eight points of power.

Hypnosis has found a place with Shamans. It is believed to allow the subject to delve deeper into the mind to unlock new sources of energy and help to enable the self healing powers that have been dormant for so long in an individual. This method is also used to help understand the unhealthy living situations people continue to experience.

These techniques are gaining popularity with many doctors and psychiatrists today. They point out the centering of each person and the self healing aspects of the practice. The people who practice shamanic healing Charlottesville are many and their techniques vary widely. The core of this practice is the concept that you can heal your life's issues from within and that you are actually equipped from birth to do just that. You need only to be shown the path to experience freedom.

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