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Important Services Are Offered By Whole Lawn Bug Treatment Companies

By Leanne Goff

Most homeowners are unhappy to discover an insect invasion on their property. There is a broad range of pests that are not only capable of damaging the homeowner's landscape, but can also administer painful bites to those who live on the property. This is why numerous consumers hire whole lawn bug treatment companies to eradicate such insects.

As mentioned above, there is a vast array of insects that can infest a property. One kind of pest that is especially irksome is the fire ant. Ants of this kind frequently build mounds in strategic areas throughout the homeowner's property, and can give its residents painful bites that do not heal for several weeks. For this reason, they must be eradicated as soon as they are discovered so that the aforementioned scenarios can be prevented.

Many people also find mosquitoes problematic. No one can enjoy his or her lawn when the weather is pleasant if he or she must fight off mosquito swarms. Such bugs are drawn to humid, moist environments. For this reason, anyone whose property features a pond or still body of water may discover that a mosquito infestation is underway.

There are also bugs that may not pose a threat to humans, but can ruin a person's lawn. A good example of this is the white grub. White grubs are technically the larvae of the scarab beetle. The latter damage lawns by eating up the root systems of various plants, shrubs and grass. Once they have invaded a property, they can be particularly challenging to eliminate.

Leafhoppers are another troublesome pest that can damage a lawn. They are easily spotted hopping about one's property. These insects are typically brightly colored and feature a striped pattern that runs down their bodies. They damage foliage by removing the sap from blades of grass or other plants. The latter then suffer from malnutrition or chlorosis and eventually die.

Chinch bugs are perhaps one of the most serious and difficult to control of all lawn-damaging insects. They hibernate during winter in weedy area of one's yard or garden, and then migrate across the property in the spring. They proliferate rather quickly and are challenging to eliminate.

A property's appearance can also be destroyed by a troublesome insect referred to as the sod webworm. The latter make blades of grass look as if they were cropped unevenly, and the grass eventually dies from malnourishment. It is difficult to find a pesticide strong enough to kill their larvae, and for this reason products containing carbaryl are usually the formula of choice.

Individuals who require whole lawn bug treatment are wise to hire a professional for the job. Even though certain infestations can be eliminated without such help, it is usually not wise to proceed independently. For this reason, those faced with any of the aforementioned scenarios should seek the services of an exterminator without delay. However, it is wise to compare various options prior to hiring an individual or company to complete the task. This will help the homeowner to ensure that the most suitable services are selected and the most reasonable price secured.

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